Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My mind just can't comprehend that its MORNING!!!

So back in December my sister, Holly asked me to join in a challenge with her that starts next week. I checked it out and said sure why not? The challenge- Hello Mornings! From the website Inspire to Action Basically you wake up well before your family does.  You have time with God, reading scripture, prayer and just time to listen to him. Which, how often do we just sit, let alone listen to Him? Then you plan out your day. This is huge for me! If I just had a plan on what my day SHOULD look like, I bet I would get a lot more done! Then you add in a little bit of a work out. I have been wanting to do a 5k so that's my work out... jogging and walking to ease into it.

Now I started something very similar to this back in December with hopes of being very prepared for this challenge. Because its just so challenging to GET OUT of bed some days. Yes some days I'm just so tired, my mind just can not comprehend that its morning already! The holidays really threw me off mixed in with sickness. So I have started back into my running and spending time with God in the mornings again. It feels great. I really hope to keep this up, my body, mind and heart really needs it.

The scripture part, I am reading through the whole bible in chronological order. Things just make more sense to me that way. If i know the order in which things happened I understand much better. I took on this challenge because being a ministers wife, I haven't read through the bible. YIKES! What did she just say? Yes I'm ashamed to say that being a pastor's wife I have not read through the entire bible. Shame shame shame everyone knows your name!  Its mainly old testament stuff, new testament, read through that several times but old? nope. Right now I'm currently in the book of Numbers. I knew this part would be challenging for me. I'm not huge in reading but I find as I get older I like it more.

Prayer. Praying for our family and marriage. Praying for our girls and for us as parents. Parenting is hard. We need God's help in raising them.  Praying for guidance for our family as we want more children in the future. Praying for our Church, growth, unity, relationships. Praying that I stand up to challenges and grow. Praying for growth with in myself, 30's are around the corner, have to be an adult! lol!

I am loving this challenge. I hope to be a better mom, better wife, stronger Christian when this challenge is over. I hope that after the challenge is done I keep up with the life style as well. Wish me luck. Be praying for me! I need it! Remember my mind just can't comprehend that its morning!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud to say you are my dil! Yes, I will and DO pray for you. Interesting, I chose the chronological yearly Bible reading this year from the You Versions plans! I love it because I always have it with me and the check-marks feel good when I finish a day's reading! You inspire me!
