5k in training!

So I'm trying something out... RUNNING! Yeah that's the word I was thinking of .... YIKES! I always have my friend to blame for these new things i try out. Thanks Lindsey! Yes she encouraged me to run a 5k. To mainly set goals for myself in being healthy. Every once in a while i will start to workout  and i end up quitting after a month or so and i wont  pick it back up for another few more months. There is just no consistency!  So that's what i started to do this week, run! Not doing so bad, and I'm also enjoying it as well. Its not so bad waking up at 6am turning on some Chris Tomlin and running. Well I guess it might be more jogging right now. Anyways, the 5k I have picked out to run in is in May of next year so i have a good 5 months to train myself. Wish me the best of luck!


  1. best of luck! where the 5k? maybe we can do it together...

  2. its up here in Orange City. It was close by and on a saturday.

  3. The entire family should do the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot next year in Springfield. This link tells about it (this yrs) This is for families...strollers, walkers, runners:Not sure if I would be a walker or in a stroller. lol

  4. Oops! Here's the link:

  5. I would like to do that! might need to pencil that in Terry!

  6. Maybe I can make it a point to come back and run it with you since its my fault:) heheheh but trust me you'll never regret it:) I love running!!!! Always have but get bored so goals stop that from happening:) miss ya lady!!!!

  7. It would be fun to run with you linds! not sure if i could keep up with you! maybe i will trip you a few times! ha!
