Wednesday, December 14, 2011


WOW! Kids can accumulate so many toys! This morning I had our oldest daughter go on a "Toy Hunt". This purpose was to go around the house picking up toys so that we can have our toys more organized. I bought tubs from the Dollar Tree and we separated all the toys into each kind (princesses, my little ponies and so on). So now she can only have one tub out each day to hold off on large messes! Great idea? We shall see! I cant take full credit for this marvelous idea! I stole it from the in laws! Thanks Darin and Rach!

The "My Little Pony" box

The tubs are up high! so only a parent can get into them!

1 comment:

  1. great work! this is what we do... but i need to get our boxes to a better place in our house.
